I have tested this personally and know for certain that it works!
Step 1: Access the internet via your Wii console
Step 2: Type "
www.WiiHear.com" into your broswer address box
Step 3: Type "" into the search box
Step 4: Click the play arrow
It usually takes between 5 to 10 seconds to load up. I ran the station for about three hours and it sounded great without any buffering issues!
Wiihear.com is the only way I know of for listening to our station on the Wii (you can actually dial up any SHOUTcast/ICEcast server through this site). XYZmp3.com still has not listed us in the "Christian" or "Metal" genres, but I am continuing to remind them of the issue and hope for it to eventually be resolved.
Comments, questions and suggestions can be place here! Thank you!