yea... some of the ducks in that lake will come up to you.. hoping for you to throw them some food.. but others are quite terrified of you... and some even get killed by the many hawks that fly around there as well.. who dive into the lake.. trying to catch fish.
My camera is actual just a pocket sized camcorder the size of a cell phone..
And yea 1080p is even better, but when it comes to anything regarding editing video on your computer... you pretty much hvae to have a 1000 dollar computer to playback and edit 1080p video.. in that it requires such an insane amount of processing and memory power.
So, 720p is a little easier on computers and stil looks plenty good enough in my opinion... your only going to notice a difference with 1080 p if you have a REALLy large monitor or are using it on a large tv screeen.
The vado Hd-