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 Brand new song on Myspace!

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Number of posts : 730
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:55 pm

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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:21 am

I thought you only sold Viagra? scratch
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:19 am


Good song tho, Broc Smile
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:29 am

awesoem..that song was sick cheers
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:47 pm

Good riffs. Very fast true grind riffs similar to what little I've heard of Napalm Death. Terrible vocals as always. Your vocals make the overall package of ExMx sound like a joke. The drum programming is half-way decent, but not very good. If you just stuck to guitar, got a real drummer and someone who is even remotely better than you on vocals, you could have a solid project, but like this, I would say ExMx is "bad" if someone asked me if ExMx was any good.
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:51 pm

wow taht was nice^
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:58 pm

at least he's honest.
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Number of posts : 730
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:49 pm

Munkey106 wrote:
Good riffs. Very fast true grind riffs similar to what little I've heard of Napalm Death. Terrible vocals as always. Your vocals make the overall package of ExMx sound like a joke. The drum programming is half-way decent, but not very good. If you just stuck to guitar, got a real drummer and someone who is even remotely better than you on vocals, you could have a solid project, but like this, I would say ExMx is "bad" if someone asked me if ExMx was any good.

Enough with asking me to find a drummer. I'm pretty damn sick of it. Sorry, but I am. Do you honestly think that in the 4 years I have done this that I haven't tried? Come to my area and you will see how few musicians there are here. Even the local music store had to shut down about 5 years ago due to not enough business. Only one drummer ever volunteered to drum for me, and he lived over 200 miles away. There was no way it was going to work out.

And as for the vocals, have you listened to the majority of grind bands? Do you even listen to grind on a regular basis? I'm not talking just stuff like Napalm Death. I'm talking tons of the underground bands, like Squash Bowels, Last Days of Humanity, Stoma, etc. And this is coming from someone who listens to tough guy hardcore most of the time from what you have said in the past.

I appreciate your opinions, but all you did here was rehash what you have long been saying, and every time I end up saying the same things:

1. I have not been able to find a drummer. Stop telling me to get a real one. The offer has been open for a solid 4 years now, it hasn't happened, and from the looks of it, it isn't going to happen.

2. My voice can only do so much. I cannot do highs at all because my voice cannot register that pitch. I can only do what you have heard so far.

I can't even find anyone else for that matter. I was lucky to even get a new guitar player. Since October 2007, it has only been me doing the music. I have not been able to find a single person until this past July to even join up. No one here plays metal (unless it's doom metal), so unless you have something else to say besides what you said here (and every time in the past), just keep quiet. Again, I appreciate your opinions, but this is seriously the millionth time you have told me this, and this is stuff I already know. I am just doing the best with what I have.
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Number of posts : 5020
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:52 pm

eternalmystery wrote:
Munkey106 wrote:
Good riffs. Very fast true grind riffs similar to what little I've heard of Napalm Death. Terrible vocals as always. Your vocals make the overall package of ExMx sound like a joke. The drum programming is half-way decent, but not very good. If you just stuck to guitar, got a real drummer and someone who is even remotely better than you on vocals, you could have a solid project, but like this, I would say ExMx is "bad" if someone asked me if ExMx was any good.

Enough with asking me to find a drummer. I'm pretty damn sick of it. Sorry, but I am. Do you honestly think that in the 4 years I have done this that I haven't tried? Come to my area and you will see how few musicians there are here. Even the local music store had to shut down about 5 years ago due to not enough business. Only one drummer ever volunteered to drum for me, and he lived over 200 miles away. There was no way it was going to work out.

And as for the vocals, have you listened to the majority of grind bands? Do you even listen to grind on a regular basis? I'm not talking just stuff like Napalm Death. I'm talking tons of the underground bands, like Squash Bowels, Last Days of Humanity, Stoma, etc. And this is coming from someone who listens to tough guy hardcore most of the time from what you have said in the past.

I appreciate your opinions, but all you did here was rehash what you have long been saying, and every time I end up saying the same things:

1. I have not been able to find a drummer. Stop telling me to get a real one. The offer has been open for a solid 4 years now, it hasn't happened, and from the looks of it, it isn't going to happen.

2. My voice can only do so much. I cannot do highs at all because my voice cannot register that pitch. I can only do what you have heard so far.

I can't even find anyone else for that matter. I was lucky to even get a new guitar player. Since October 2007, it has only been me doing the music. I have not been able to find a single person until this past July to even join up. No one here plays metal (unless it's doom metal), so unless you have something else to say besides what you said here (and every time in the past), just keep quiet. Again, I appreciate your opinions, but this is seriously the millionth time you have told me this, and this is stuff I already know. I am just doing the best with what I have.
honesty broc, i think your vocals are great, very original, i like them alotand yes it would be good to get a drummer, but if you listen to ExTx drum programming, he keeps it very realistic
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Number of posts : 969
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:30 pm

Drummers (and bass players!) are hard to find, yes. Sometimes you have to compromise and get a shitty drummer who hasn't heard "heavy" music before. A good drummer will be able to pick it up in a relatively short period of time (I speak from experience). Down beats and blasts really are not that hard to do. They're not complicated beats--just fast. Even a semi-experienced "rock" (read: someone who doesn't listen to heavy music) will be able to catch on. He already "knows" how to do both. He'd just have to increase in speed. Now, I do realize that you don't have many "connections" or ways of finding drummers, and I do realize that even if you did find someone, it flat-out just might not work out (personalities clashing, different ideas of where the band should go, etc).

You posted a thread about your band on a message board on the internet. You wanted people to respond and I did. There's no need to get upset. My post is just as relevant (and "rehashed") as everyone else's. You've heard all our opinions before. I was just restating mine [and even added in some compliments this time]. I will not submit to your request and "just keep quiet". Don't post a thread if you're not willing to read the responses. You know this.

Every time you post a new song, I look forward to hearing how much you've improved over your last release, and almost every time you do, which is why I continue to read and reply to your threads. Right now though, ExMx is still sub-par. There's so much music out there, and so many new bands popping up *every day*, there's no need to compromise and listen to shitty music because you have befriended the person or agree with their beliefs.

I do not listen to grind regularly, nor is there much grind that I enjoy, *but* I am always on the lookout for new music, so I enjoy hearing new bands. I do enjoy tough guy hardcore, and that used to be my favorite genre (I still enjoy it). Lately though I've been more into Protest The Hero, Between The Buried and Me, A Hill To Die Upon, and Venetian Snares. My musical tastes are changing. My brain chemistry is evolving.

I realize your voice can only "do so much", and so can mine, which is why I choose not to do vocals. Your vocals really sound pathetic, especially with all the potential of the instruments. They add nothing to the music. I'd say this about the most praised of grind bands if I didn't like the vocals. It's all preference; not fact. Congrats on getting the new guitar player. It's hard to find someone as like-minded as someone like you, or even find someone who knows what real grind is! I'm happy for you and hope you continue to progress as a band. If ever you get a full band together, I'll definitely make my way up there to see yall.

MetLHed4GZus wrote:
it would be good to get a drummer, but if you listen to ExTx drum programming, he keeps it very realistic

He tries and does a decent job at it, but overall his drum programming is weak. It improves with every release for sure, and drum programming isn't an easy task, but Broc just isn't too good at it. I have no doubt that in a few years he'll be much better and much more experience, thus making much better drum beats/loops.
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:42 pm

i think the vocals are so much better than some of the older albums.
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Number of posts : 730
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:31 pm

K Munkey, I see your point now. Sorry for going out of line with my post.

However, I'm in another band that does have a drummer (nothing really serious, just all of EM and a guy who drums), and we're thinking about pitching in and getting him that extreme metal drumming DVD that Flo Mournier from Cryptopsy did, and once he's learned blasts and stuff, then he'll probably just join EM. Ray Banda from Long Suffering told me that it was a good DVD to get, so we'll probably get it, and then EM will have a drummer.

As far as the vocals, I'm thinking about using 2 mics in the future (one normal and one run through effects) to kinda "beef up" the vocals, or at least try to. As for metal/hardcore/grind vocalists, there isn't really anyone here that can do it.

I don't really have much options, but at least I have more opportunity now than before.
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:35 pm

broc! the vocals on death to misogyny pt2 are heaps cool!
sounding very good bro.
just get that ride cymbal sounding a bit less fake Very Happy

drums sound good apart from that if you ask me.

nice work. you just keep getting better and better.
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Number of posts : 149
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:50 pm

The New song sounds sick Broc!
Keep it coming!
And personally...I love your vocals.
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:02 pm

eternalmystery wrote:

Enough with asking me to find a drummer.

Go get a drummer. geek
Maybe you could trade some of that Russian Viagra for a drummer? Very Happy
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Number of posts : 730
Age : 36
Location : Franklinton, Louisiana, USA
Registration date : 2008-11-03
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:07 pm

Mark wrote:
eternalmystery wrote:

Enough with asking me to find a drummer.

Go get a drummer. geek
Maybe you could trade some of that Russian Viagra for a drummer? Very Happy

You know Mark, that isn't such a bad idea. Very Happy

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Number of posts : 515
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:28 pm

I love the new song Broc!
Can't wait to hear what the split with Right Wing Conspiracy's gonna sound like!
God bless
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Brand new song on Myspace! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Brand new song on Myspace!   Brand new song on Myspace! Icon_minitime1

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